July 26th, 2013

Summer Grilling Tips

Grilling is hard, man.

At least I think so. If you want it medium rare, you must time it just right.

If you like very little pink inside, well, you have to time it right, too.

It’s a lot of pressure.

But the end result is so worth it.

That’s what I like this handy dandy grilling chart. It helps me figure out how NOT to mess up the meat.

Summer Grilling Tips

Plus, you can see some great summer grilling tips from the experts here. That’ll help the summer grilling become epic around your house.

Happy cooking, mates! And may the magic touch be with you. And also with me.

Chart courtesy of KansasCitySteaks.com.

July 23rd, 2013

Steak Dinner Slump

We feel your pain, pooch.

It’s a feeling of euphoria when you know you’re about to sit down to a beautiful steak dinner.

Like you’re floating on air.

But as quickly as that feeling comes, it’s over.

Dinner’s gone.

We always have the memories of luscious steak to get us through, though.

And the hope of another one to come.

Doggie, I get you. I really do.

Photo courtesy of Andy Mackey via Pinterest.

July 22nd, 2013

Hot Dog Quiz

In keeping with our Hot Dog Month celebration, Parade.com has created a hot dog quiz:  Franks in Pop Culture.

Take the quiz here and see how much hot dog knowledge you possess. Do you know as much as you think you do about the importance of franks in our lives?


If not, here’s your chance to expand your mind — hot dog wise, you know.

Enjoy! And don’t be surprised if you find yourself craving a big, juicy beef frank after taking this quiz. I did!

Photo courtesy of KansasCitySteaks.com
