October 31st, 2013

Have a Beefy Halloween!

It’s that time of year! The time when adults adorn themselves with clothing they would never normally sport – you know, like something in the shape of a cheeseburger or a steak … or Darth Vader.

Children are adorable as princesses, baseball players, Thor and chicken nuggets.

But I think all the kids’ costumes are just to throw us off. This holiday is really for adults who want to dress up.

It cracks me up when of all the things someone could be for Halloween, they choose meat. MEAT.

Like this…

But to each his own, right?

Hope YOU have a beefy Halloween!!!

Photos courtesy of HalloweenCostumes.com and CostumeCraze.com.

October 30th, 2013

Fuel Up With Beef for Halloween

It’s almost time to trick or treat!

But in all the excitement of costumes, candy and spookiness, let’s not forget to eat! We’ve all got to keep our strength while traipsing through the neighborhood!

Since tomorrow’s a special night, I recommend trying something a bit different for dinner. I’m gonna make some Wagyu Kobe beef steakburgers.

The kids love them, I love them and the night will be that much memorable!

These aren’t just ANY burgers – they’re Kobe beef. That makes them more flavorful and a bit indulgent.

It’s Halloween – it’s time to be indulgent!

Check out this Kobe beef or serve some USDA prime steaks! Now THOSE scream “Special!” also. And isn’t it a night for special?

Enjoy your Halloween … I hope you get way more treats than tricks!

Photo courtesy of KansasCitySteaks.com.

October 29th, 2013

News Flash: People Love Bacon!

A study was recently done by Wired magazine and The Food Network and the results were astounding — stuff tastes better when you add bacon!

I know, I know. Close your mouth. The shock is overwhelming. But it’s true, it has been scientifically proven.

These guys studied sandwiches and comments people made about them. Their conclusion? People liked it better when it had bacon on it.

Now you and I have known this for years. But now we have science to back us up. Bacon makes it better.

Read more about these bacony findings here. Just please try not to drool all over your keyboard while you’re doing it.

Oh, by the way, that drooling is called the Maillard reaction. It’s scientific, too! 🙂

Photo courtesy of KansasCitySteaks.com.
