November 15th, 2013

A Message From a Turkey

If you’re open to it, Mr. Turkey here has a suggestion for Thanksgiving dinner that doesn’t involve him:  Beef.

Mmmm, prime rib roast, Chateaubriand, Beef Wellington, steaks. The non-traditional choices are endless.

But, hey, I’m just the messenger. What you eat is between you and the turkey.

Happy weekend, everybody!

Photo courtesy of

November 13th, 2013

Great Thanksgiving Leftover Ideas

Turkey Bolognese! Cranberry-carrot muffins! Turkey spring rolls!

I’ve gotta admit, these are meals made from Thanksgiving leftovers I would NEVER have come up with on my own.

But what great ideas! After the obligatory turkey and ham sandwiches, I usually don’t want the traditional meal again anytime soon. But Turkey Bolognese? That’s a flavor I can get behind. And it’s not even close to tasting like Thanksgiving turkey!

And how about some cranberry-carrot muffins for breakfast the next morning? Genius!

Click to see more really smart – and tasty –  Thanksgiving leftover ideas here.

With these meals, it’ll be a happy Thanksgiving, indeed!

Photo courtesy of

November 11th, 2013

Bacon Deodorant?

Just when I think I’ve seen it all … they come out with bacon-scented deodorant.

DEODORANT! I adore bacon, but I want to walk around smelling like flowers, not a PIG.

What do you think about this new bacon craze? This same company that makes the deodorant apparently makes bacon shaving cream, bacon sunscreen (can you imagine lying on the beach smelling like bacon frying?) and other health and beauty bacon-scented products.

Have we gone too far? Or is it all in good fun? Tell me what you think!

Photo courtesy of J&D’s Foods via
