February 17th, 2014

Favorite Foods of Presidents

It’s President’s Day! As a lover of food, I want to know . . . what do the presidents of the greatest nation on Earth like to eat?

Above, you’ll see President Lyndon B. Johnson chowing down on ribs, but as a senator he liked to have a hamburger for lunch every day.

Dwight D. Eisenhower enjoyed beef stew – a man after my own heart. And Harry S Truman? Well-done steaks.

I’m on board with the steak part, but maybe ease up on the well-done aspect.

Click here to see more fascinating tidbits about the leaders of our nation and what they like/liked to eat.

And while you’re drooling over their favorite meals, have a happy President’s Day!

Photo courtesy of Bettman/CORBIS via foodandwine.com.

February 14th, 2014

Ahhh, Bacon Love…

Perhaps you can relate???

Happy Bacon, er, Valentine’s Day, everybody!!!

Photo courtesy of Xaxor.com.

February 10th, 2014

Celebrity Dogs And Their Burgers

Actress Melissa Gilbert gives us a glimpse into the luxurious life of her dog Josephine.

A life that includes $24 burgers in hotels, mind you.

MY life does not include that! What am I doing wrong? Why was I not born Melissa Gilbert’s dog???

Check out the video to see it straight from her lips!
