August 10th, 2015

How to Celebrate National Filet Mignon Day

Filet Mignon

It’s coming up, friends. That holiday we all wait for.

No, it’s not a day off work. The post office is still open. And all government offices will be functioning.

But it’s special to me. And I think it’s special to you, too.

It’s National Filet Mignon Day!

So, how does one celebrate National Filet Mignon Day, you ask?

Well, I’m glad you asked?

Here is a list of ways I’ve compiled for your reading pleasure. Feel free to add your own.

  1. Place a filet-themed wreath on your door, then grill up some filet mignons in the backyard.
  2. Send an Evite to all your friends and family and ask them to join you to . . . grill up some filet mignons in the backyard.
  3. Decorate your home with little pictures of steak (you can use all types of steak if you want) but then . . . grill up some filet mignons in the backyard.
  4. Gather the children for a moment of silence to reflect upon the beauty of a filet, then . . . grill up some filet mignons in the backyard.

Do you see a theme here? It always ends up the same – with you grilling up some filets!

Everybody wins!

How will YOU celebrate National Filet Mignon Day?


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