June 20th, 2016

Grilling 101

We’re in the thick of grilling season and I couldn’t be happier. We’re out in the backyard as much as possible soaking in the sunshine and grilling up amazing meals.

Are you taking advantage of the beautiful weather and grilling out?

If so, how’s it going? If you’re like me, you may need a Grilling 101 refresher course to make sure your summer grilling sessions go smoothly. It’s easy to forget over the long, hard winter.

Luckily, we’ve got a refresher course right here. Ready, set, go grab the grill!

Grilling 101
Grilling 101 How to Clean a Grill
Top 10 Grilling Tips – Grilling the best steak is not as easy as it seems. It’s all in the details. Check out these Top 10 Grilling Tips for making your steaks the best they can be. How to Clean a Grill – You want your steak to be delicious, right? A clean grill makes a big difference in the outcome of your steak. Follow these step-by-step instructions to set the stage for the perfect steak.
Cuts of Steak Grilling Tools by Cut
A Guide to Steak Cuts – Looking for something tender? Or thick and hearty? Make sure to choose the cut that’s right for you with this handy dandy guide to steak cuts. Best Tools by Cut – To grill properly you’ve got to have the right tools for the job. And, believe it or not, different cuts require different tools. Learn why here and you’ll be amazed at the difference it makes.
Get the Most out of Your Grill
 Grilling Vegetables Strip Steak and Lobster Surf & Turf
 Grilling Vegetables Grilling Seafood 
Grilling Favorites – A great recipe can really take your grilling experience to the next level. Fantastic marinades, rubs, seasonings and sauces can bring a whole new life to the grilling experience. Try something new for a unique flavor sensation.
Grilled Ribeye Steak prime_lrg08
Grilled Ribeye Steak Recipe  Grilled, Smoked Prime Rib Recipe 

March 4th, 2016

Fish Friday – Seafood Feast Feature

Do you observe Fish Fridays? It’s that time of year when, for some of us, we must not eat meat on Fridays for religious reasons. That just means your steaks or surf and turf will have to wait for another day. And that’s okay. You can do it. I know it.

Okay, I can do it. I know it.

This Fish Friday, if you’re observing, why not try something new? There’s no rule that says Fish Fridays have to be boring. That would be sad. But no, it’s quite the contrary! Want something yummy and satisfying? Taste this amazing Seafood Feast! It’s definitely different than your typical fish fillet. You don’t have to eat just a plain piece of salmon – although you can if you want to!

Seafood Feast

This amazing Seafood Feast really is a feast. It contains four Maine lobster tails, 16 shrimp, 16 clams, 16 mussels, eight scallops, four half-size corn cobs and 20 baby potatoes drenched in herbed lemon butter sauce.

It’s a regular smorgasbord of seafood flavors, textures, colors and more. And it’s got side dishes built right in. How thoughtful! It’s flavored for you, packaged for you and ready to go. And oh, man, it’s so delicious!

This seafood bake is really, truly incredible. And incredibly easy to prepare. You simply place the foil package containing all the ingredients in the oven or on the grill and when you cut the bag open it’s so steamy and the aroma will be absolutely mouth-watering.

And that’s good because, well, you can eat it.

Sound good? I thought so. And even if you don’t officially observe Fish Fridays, you can still enjoy this delicious meal – any day you want!

So what will you be preparing for upcoming Fish Fridays? Put this Seafood Feast in the rotation and everyone will be cheering!

October 23rd, 2015

Seafood Recipes

For a person who obsesses about steaks (what type of steak to cook for what occasion, how to season a steak for maximum flavor, how to tell if the steak is medium rare, etc.), cooking surf and turf can be a real conundrum.

You see, I’ve got lots of practice with the turf part. No problemo. But the surf? Not so much.

I absolutely love the contrast of the light, delicious seafood with a gorgeous steak. But I definitely need help in preparing just the right meal. I don’t want to mess this up. My dinner’s riding on it.

That’s why I turn to some great seafood recipes to help me out. I can’t just wing it (that’s for poultry anyway). I’ve got to follow some instructions word for word or my “surf” will be all washed up.

Seafood Recipes

Take this recipe for Baked Lobster, for instance. It’s the perfect complement to, say, a Kansas City strip steak. Steak and lobster is a staple. It’s in the Surf and Turf Hall of Fame (there is one, isn’t there?) so I’ve got to get this right.

The recipe tells me exactly how to cut the lobster shell, lift the meat out properly for cooking AND for creating a beautiful presentation. Not to mention ease of eating. It even tells me how to create the butter that is a must for dipping.

This is uncharted territory for me. I’ve got to get my sea legs going and do this seafood some justice. All good steak lovers know that surf and turf is part of the deal.

Kansas City Strip Cooking Tips

Want to stick with the KC strip but change up the seafood? We can try this recipe for Sweet and Sour Shrimp Sauce for Kansas City Strip Steaks. It puts the shrimp right in the sauce! Genius!

You simply serve it OVER your steak. Well played.

How about you? Got any amazing surf and turf creations you love? Share them in the comments!

You are currently browsing the archives for the Seafood category.


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About Me

Hi! My name is Dena P., and I love steak. In fact, I’ve been on a quest for the perfect steak for a few years now.

I love experimenting with food and I like to get my family, friends and neighbors involved. They add a lot to my cooking experience by helping me perfect techniques and sharing recipes.

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