February 14th, 2012

I Heart Steak

There are so many forms of love, so it’s only fitting on this Valentine’s Day to express our love for steak – or anything else for that matter.

Someone beat us to it with this wall mural professing sweet, sweet love to all things steak.

I can think of no greater art form than this.

I know, I know – Michelangelo and everything. But this is STEAK we’re talking about!!!

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! I hope you have steak in your life today.

Photo courtesy of jakedobkin via flickr.

February 3rd, 2012

Special Steaks for American Heart Month

February is American Heart Month to raise awareness of heart disease.

In honor of that, why not try some heart healthy steaks certified by the American Heart Association?

These steaks are very, very lean and are trimmed of all exterior fat. The beautiful thing is – that doesn’t compromise the hearty sirloin taste!

Healthy AND tasty? Sounds good to me.

Click here to read more about and order up some lean steaks for yourself!

Photo courtesy of KansasCitySteaks.com.

February 2nd, 2012

Groundhog Meatloaf

It’s Groundhog’s Day!

And Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, signaling 6 more weeks of winter.

If you believe in that sort of stuff.

Either way, it’s fun to get into the spirit of a seemingly meaningless holiday, so why not make a Groundhog Meatloaf in the shape of our favorite rodent?

See, if you didn’t like his prediction your mind can go all sorts of places while you’re eating this meal. And if you did like it; well, it’s a cute way to honor the little guy who brought you some hope and enlightenment.

Click to see this groundhog ground beef recipe here. And get creative! This winter’s going to be long, people, we’ve gotta do something to spice it up!

Photo courtesy of ImHungryOnABudget.blogspot.com.

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About Me

Hi! My name is Dena P., and I love steak. In fact, I’ve been on a quest for the perfect steak for a few years now.

I love experimenting with food and I like to get my family, friends and neighbors involved. They add a lot to my cooking experience by helping me perfect techniques and sharing recipes.

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