May 22nd, 2008

Survey Says!

I took a survey of my neighbors (as we were standing around the yard yakking) and I asked, “What are you cooking this Memorial Day?”

I got lots of different answers. Some surprising, some quite traditional.

But there was one theme that carried throughout:  family.

Whether extended family will be getting together or it’s just the immediate family staying home, everyone was looking forward to being with their loved ones . . . and eating.

Most of our kids are out of school on Friday and Monday, some just Monday, and that usually requires some planning of activities and meals to cut down on the whining and restlessness.

So here’s a sampling of their answers . . .

Burgers and hot dogs in the back yard.”

This is the go-to meal for April and Bobby*. Good choice, good choice.

“We’re just going to sleep in and rummage around the house for food. Maybe order a pizza,” said Vicki.

(Boo, I thought, we do that every other weekend. This is MEMORIAL DAY, man!)

Elizabeth and Ron said, “We’ve got some steaks and we’re going to make some potato salad and invite our folks over on Monday.”

Now we’re talking. “What kind of steaks?” I asked.

“Some sirloin and strips.”

My mind wandered off and I pictured myself running through a meadow in a white lace dress with my husband carrying a plate of freshly grilled sirloin and strip steaks . . .

. . . but I came back to reality when I realized someone had asked me what we were having.

Barbecue ribs,” I said.

I am looking forward to that. We’re inviting my whole side of the family over. My parents and my brother and his family.

We let the kids run around together and we all pretend they aren’t acting like animals. Denial. It’s a gift.

And if there’s whining, I’ll send them all over to rummage around at Vicki’s house.

*Names have been changed to protect the innocent — or guilty, whatever the case may be. 

March 24th, 2008

Hopping Down the Foodie Trail

Did the Easter Bunny come to your house?

He came to mine. Well, sorta.

We went to visit family and Bunny came to our hotel room.

Try selling that one to your kids. They did somehow buy that the Easter Bunny knocked on our door in the middle of the night and my husband and I let him in carrying baskets full of Star Wars and Spider-Man stuff.

It’s believable, right?

Anyway, it was a lovely weekend with egg hunts, nice weather, pleasant conversation and great food.

Over the span of two days we managed to feast on hickory-smoked ribs, steakburgers and a prime rib roast.

I think our get-together was just an excuse for my brother-in-law to do some big-time cooking. He’s fantastic! He had the grill, the oven AND the smoker going the whole time.

They have a new baby who got lots of kisses and did lots of sleeping.

Hey, that’s what the holidays are all about.

Hope your weekend was fabulous, too!

February 15th, 2008

Love . . . Lobster Style


As I had hoped, my Valentine’s Day meal was a crazazy success! Yeah, I put an extra “za” in that word.

It was just that good.

See for yourself!

Valentine's Day meal

I put a little water in the bottom of a pan like the Gourmet Guide that came with my package said. I split the shells down the center with a sharp knife. Then I placed the thawed lobster tails in the water with a dollop of butter on each of them — right down inside the split. I then baked them at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes or so.

I kept checking them to see if the meat was nice and white yet. And when it was, and the shells were a beautiful shade of red, I took them out and served them with the yummy sirloin steaks we had grilled.

Here’s a closeup. Brace yourself . . .


I melted some butter and mixed it with a bit of Tabasco for dipping. (That’s how he rolls.)

It was definitely a meal to remember. And it was a Valentine’s Day that was as memorable as the time I baked my now-husband cupcakes and delivered them to his apartment while he was on a date with someone else.

Our relationship was, how shall we say, undefined at that time.

But we’ve got it all figured out now and we can concentrate on more important things like what mouth-watering recipe we’re going to try next.

Oh yeah, and the kids’ college funds, the mortgage, car payments, retirement plans . . .

Hope you had a great Valentine’s Day, too!

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About Me

Hi! My name is Dena P., and I love steak. In fact, I’ve been on a quest for the perfect steak for a few years now.

I love experimenting with food and I like to get my family, friends and neighbors involved. They add a lot to my cooking experience by helping me perfect techniques and sharing recipes.

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