January 30th, 2015

Celebrate the Big Game Arizona Style – Chimichangas!


The folklore goes that in 1922, a restaurateur in Arizona accidentally dropped a pastry into the deep fryer and exclaimed, “Chimichanga!”

That’s Spanish for thingamajig.

Fill it with some sour cream, cheese and beef and you’ve got yourself today’s version of the chimichanga.

Now, since Sunday’s big game is being played in Arizona, it only feels right to honor that venue by serving up some beef chimichangas while you watch!

Check out this incredible beef chimichanga recipe: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/beef-chimichangas/

Many versions of this recipe call for ground beef like you’d find in steakburgers, but you can experiment and use shredded Wagyu beef or any cut of shredded steak you love.

Have fun with your chimichangas and the big game this weekend! I know I will!

January 28th, 2015

Top 10 Tailgate Foods

Steakburgers for Tailgate Food

We’re gearing up for the ultimate professional football game this weekend. And we’ve got to fuel up with some incredible tailgate foods.

After all, what good is watching a game without something delicious to eat?

Here are my TOP 10 TAILGATE FOODS to give you some inspiration!

  1. Steakburgers
  2. Baby Back Ribs
  3. Brisket
  4. All-Beef Hot Dogs
  5. Steaks
  6. Tenderloin Tips in Kabobs
  7. Steak Sandwiches
  8. Bacon and Cheddar Sliders
  9. BBQ Beef Burnt Ends
  10. Skirt Steak Fajitas

What’s your personal list of favorite tailgate foods?

January 26th, 2015

Game Day Food Battle

Game Day Food

This weekend is the biggest football game of the year! But what’s the most important part of the game? The food!

I like to think of the game in terms of AFC food vs. NFC food.

In this case, it’s the delicious lobster of the AFC New England Patriots vs. the scrumptious salmon of the NFC Seattle Seahawks.

We’ve got two teams from either end of the country – how cool is that? But both areas are known for their seafood…albeit different dishes.

So we’ve got lobster on one end of the field and salmon on the other. Who will win?

We’ll just have to serve them both during the game and see! Let your guests do the officiating.

May the best dish win!

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About Me

Hi! My name is Dena P., and I love steak. In fact, I’ve been on a quest for the perfect steak for a few years now.

I love experimenting with food and I like to get my family, friends and neighbors involved. They add a lot to my cooking experience by helping me perfect techniques and sharing recipes.

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