August 5th, 2008

Steak For Dummies

While I never refer to myself or anyone else as a “dummy” I did enjoy this cute take on the “Dummies” series of books.

See for yourself!

Cooking Around the World All-in-One For Dummies
Mmm . . .Grilled Steak!
Adapted From: Cooking Around the World All-in-One For Dummies
In Tuscany, steaks are generously coated with salt and pepper before grilling. Besides adding flavor, the salt and pepper form a crisp crust that contrasts nicely with the meat’s tender interior. T-bone steaks are the most commonly grilled cut in Florence. After the steaks are grilled, the meat is removed from either side of the bone and sliced across the grain into thin pieces. You can serve these steaks this way or choose smaller rib eye or strip steaks and serve 1 per person.

Grilled Steak, Florentine Style (Bistecca alla Fiorentina)

Preparation time: 5 minutes

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Yield: 4 servings

1 tablespoon salt, divided

Freshly ground black pepper, to taste

4 strip or rib eye steaks (about 14 ounces each), or 2 T-bone or porterhouse steaks (about 1-1/2 to 2 pounds each)

1. Preheat the grill to high.

2. When the grill is very hot, generously season the steaks with salt and pepper on one side only.

3. Place the seasoned side of the steaks on the grill. Don’t move them for 3 minutes; then turn them 90 degrees. When the first side is done, about 8 minutes for medium-rare and 11 minutes for medium (depending on the thickness of the steaks and the heat of the grill), season the top of the steaks and flip them over. Cook the steaks 4 to 6 minutes on the second side to desired doneness. Remove from heat and serve.

You can see this entire article here.

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